Surat Lamaran Kerja XIX

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Jakarta, (tgl/bln/thn)

Kepada Yth.

Kepala Bagian Personalia
P.O. BOX 553/JKS

Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Dengan hormat,

Berdasarkan informasi adanya lowongan pekerjaan sesuai dengan iklan di harian Kompas tanggal ... Desember 2012, dengan ini saya mengajukan diri untuk posisi ...

Saya telah lulus dari SMA ..., Jakarta pada tahun ..., dan saat ini sedang menyelesaikan semester terakhir kuliah malam (Extension Program) program Diploma 3 jurusan ... di Universitas ... Jakarta. Saya memiliki kendaraan bermotor sendiri, telah mempunyai SIM C, dan dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, dalam surat lamarana ini saya lampirkan:

1. 1 lembar salinan ijazah terakhir
2. 1 lembar salinan sertifikat kursus pendidikan bahasa Inggris tingkat menengah
3. 1 lembar foto berwarna 4x6

Besar harapan kami agar bapak dapat/ibu dapat memberikan kesempatan wawancara, sehingga saya dapat menunjukkan potensi diri saya secara lebih rinci.

Hormat saya,

(nama adna)

Surat Lamaran Kerja Housekeeping Attendant

Human Resources Department

Dear Sir/Madam

Firstly, allow me to introduce my self, my name is ..... my education has given me a strong background in Hotelier.

I would like to apply for the position hotel at your company as Housekeeping Attendant, which was advertised in .....

I am in excellent health,highly motivated and ready for the challenge,seeking career advancement and ready to work everywhere.I think there will be a suitable vacancy in your company and i will gladly discuss with you any opportunity to make a valuable contribution to your company. Thank you for considering my application and i am looking forward to your reply.

Your Faithfully,


Surat Lamaran Kerja Customer Service Officer IV

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

To : Manager of Human Resources
PT. Bank Danamon
Jakarta Branch

Application for the post of Customer Service Officer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am applying for the position of Customer Service Officer which was advertised in internet. The position seems to fit very well with my experience and career interests.

I have had 11 years experience at corporate banking in Jakarta which was I worked for previously. My professional experience as General Affairs Officer,Trade Finance,Reporting and Planing,Junior Secretary and Operation Dept.

My Personal Identification :

Name : ................
Place/Date of Birth : ........, ..............
Religions : ................
Education : ........................, Jakarta
Address : ..................

I believe my good interpersonal skill and wide experience in Bank would be an asset to your bank.

Would you please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss further my qualification and to learn more about this opportunity? Should you need to reach me, Please feel free to call me at 0816-xxxxxxxx/021-xxxxxxx

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to talking to you.



Cara Membuat CV (Curiculum Vitae) Secara Online

Anda mau bikin CV secara online? Ada caranya….CV itu nantinya bisa disimpan dalam format PDF atau di share di Facebook. Saat mencari kerja. Kita kudu “jual diri”. Sebuah tips bagi pelamar kerja menyebutkan hal itu. Ada tambahannya yakni “jual diri secara jujur”. Maklumlah, CV memang jadi andalan baik bagi pencari kerja maupun pemberi kerja. Pencari kerja mengandalkan CV-nya untuk meyakinkan pemberi kerja, sedangkan pemberi kerja mengandalkan CV untuk mengetahui informasi singkat tentang si pencari kerja.

Bikin CV memang bukan perkara sulit. Microsoft Word bisa diandalkan untuk membuat CV. bahkan secara khusus, Microsoft menyediakan template untuk membuat CV dengan aplikasi pengolah kata di paket Office itu.

Orang yang enggak punya Word, bukan berarti tidak bisa bikin CV meskipun banyak perusahaan yang meminta CV dikirim dalam format dokumen Word, yakni DOC. Kita bisa bikin CV denga piranti lain. Adobe Photoshop atau Adobe InDesign pun bisa dipakai. Bahkan aplikasi sederhana seperti Wordpad pun bisa, Ehh, secara online juga bisa.

Salah satu web yang bisa membuat CV secara online adalah CeeVee. Alamat situs web-nya CV bisa dibuat secara online, kita tinggal klik-klik dan ketik-ketik. Saking gampangnya, dihalaman utama situs CeeVee tertera tulisan kalau waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sign-up cuma semenit.

Sudah begitu, di CV di CeeVee dapat diekspor jadi PDF. Sayang enggak bisa langsung jadi DOC. Tapi, tak masalah. Format PDF juga jadi format yang “halal” untuk dikirim.

Langkah-langkah membuatnya sebagai berikut:

1. Klik “Start here, it’s free

2. Masukkan e-mail dan password berikut alamat yang diinginkan. Klik “Create My Account”.

3. Klik “Upload Image”. Ketika tombol “Choose image” muncul, klik disitu. Jelajah isi hard disk untuk mencari file foto. Klik “Open”, lalu klik “Save”. Foto kitapun muncul disitu.

4. Klik “Firstname”, isikan nama depan. Jangan lupa klik “OK”. Klik “lastname”, isikan nama keluarga. Terus klik “OK”.

5. Teruslah mengisi segala informasi. Jangan lupa klik “OK” atau “Save” yah. Kalau tidak, kita harus isi ulang lagi.

6. Standarnya, CeeVee memiliki bagian “Summary”, “Skills”, “experiences”, dan “Studies”. Kita bisa tambah. Lihat menu “Section” di kanan. Ada menu drop-down, bukan? klik menu itu untuk menambah bagian baru di CV.

7. Gaya CV bisa diganti dengan mengubah bagian “Theme”. Sayang. cuma ada 3 gaya yang disediakan CeeVee.

8. Kepingan CV bisa dilihat orang? ubah “Private” jadi “Public” dengan mengklik tombol di bagian “Publish”.

9. Oh iya, CV yang sudah dibuat bisa disimpan sebagai PDF agar bisa dikirim-kirim. Tinggal klik “Save as PDF” saja. Kalau mau langsung cetak, klik “Print”.

10. CV juga bisa di-share langsung di Facebook dan Twitter

11. Kita juga bisa share CV di situs web yang kita punya. Coba deh klik “Share & Promote” yang ada dibaris menu sebelah atas. Nah, kita bakal dikasih kode-kode yang bisa menampilkan sebuah ikon. Pilihlah ikon yang disuka, lalu copy paste dibawahnya. Selipkan kode di kode situs web.

Sudah selesai….Memang cuma begitu saja cara bikin CV secara online. Semoga sukses pas cari kerja.


Surat Lamaran Kerja Sales Engineer II

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

To :
Human Resources Department
Oil & Gas Company

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing in conjunction with the opening position of job as related with my current background in your company. I am herewith completely interested in applying that position as Sales Engineer.

For experience, I have been working at PT. ...... as Sales Engineer. I am a holder of ..... Engineering Degree, graduated from ........ Engineering ....... University of Jakarta (Bachelor) with very good predicate.

I am presently possess good communication, skills, excellence command of written and spoken English. Also can work as independent by minimum supervise and team.

To face global competition and upcoming challenge, now I am looking forward to joint a reputable and global-oriented company, which could provide conductive working atmosphere and prospective career as well. If you are seeking a potential, dependable and highly self-motivated candidate, kindly please contact me at the above address.

At a time convenient for you it would be an honor for me to have further selection as to my qualification for a beginning career in your company.

Hopefully yours,


Surat Lamaran Kerja XVIII

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Jakarta (tgl/bln/thn)

Kepada Yth,

HRD Manager
PT. ...
Jl. ...
Jakarta Selatan

Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Dengan hormat,

Bersama ini saya sampaikan keinginan saya untuk melamar pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan di harian Pos Kota tanggal (tgl/bln/thn).

Pendidikan terakhir saya di SMA Negeri ... Jakarta Selatan telah diselesaikan pada tahun... Saya memiliki kendaraan sendiri (sepeda motor), dan telah mempunyai SIM C dan A.

Dalam surat lamaran ini saya lampirkan 1 (satu) lembar Daftar Riwayat Hidup beserta Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan Ijazah terakhir untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan selanjutnya.

Besar harapan saya, agar bapak/ibu bersedia meluangkan waktu untuk wawancara, sehingga saya dapat memperkenalkan diri secara lebih baik dan terperinci.

Atas perhatian bapak/ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

(nama anda)

Surat lamaran Kerja Mechanical Engineer II

HRD Director
PT. ANTAM, Tbk (Aneka Tambang, Tbk)

Dear Sir / Madam,

I read your advertisement for an opening Mechanical Engineer position in PT Antam Tbk for service in mining, mechanical construction, mechanical & electrical installation. I am a ... years old, and unmarried and have finished my study in Mechanical Engineering at University of .............. Jakarta.

As I am quite interested in the post you offered, I send herewith this application and would like to be considered for the post for two main reasons. I have a strong interest and commitment in Quality Control of Mechanical.

I am a hard working person with a high integrity, creativity and enthusiasm. The working experiences supported by a good education background and a positive working attitude have grown my confidence that I am suitable for the job.

I also enclose my Curriculum Vitae describing my personal particulars, and my employment history. This is a true best opportunity that I should not miss. I am looking forward to a chance to be interviewed by you to show you more about me and in time, I also hope that I can give my best to this company. I can be reached by 0813-xxxx-xxxx.

Sincerely yours,


Posting your Curriculum Vitae in Websites

When you write a CV for cyberspace, you need to keep in mind two main things,

1. You do not need the regular formatting you do on a regular CV and
2. You need to keep it in the simplest format possible.

The reasons for the above are that computer need different accentuations and style of presentation and in order for the majority of the computers to be able to open your CV, the format should the lowest, i.e. plain text or ASCII. Anything more complicated than this, and you risk cutting off some segment in the market that does not have the upgraded software you use.

Another important point is the presentation. In a regular CV, you highlight certain things in your CV by boldface, or italics. The counterpart of these actions online is using the right keywords. Your CV will be 'visible' on the net only when it has the right keywords. By 'right' keywords means those keywords a person would think about when trying to search for an applicant for a job in your field of expertise. The keywords should be as many as there are facets to the job (ex: 'secretary' can have the following keywords - office assistant, typist, stenographer, back end office, personal assistant, private assistant, etc).

There are a few dos and don'ts that you should keep in mind when you write an online CV:


1. Use only very specific keywords accurately describing the job/ skills
2. Effectively summarize - the shorter the better (without sacrificing the quality of the content
3. Use the main skills keywords in the beginning; list your major skills in the beginning of the CV
4. Use the simplest format available (plain text is the most acceptable)
5. Do not Use other formatting of the typeset as it will totally confuse the reader while reading the codes attached to it
6. Provide a valid email address (chances are that those who search for you on the net would immediately want to email you) and phone a number for immediate contact
7. Have a hard copy ready in case the prospective employer asks you for it; also keep a properly formatted CV - in case they ask you to attach a detailed CV and send it to them by email


1. Do not send group mails when you apply for a job; each job you apply for should have a separate email with the CV uploaded separately (or as cut-n-paste as it is asked of you)
2. Do not send attachments with your CV drawn up in the latest versions of software; if it does not open when they try to, your CV will be rejected and you will have lost a good chance due to a nominal mistake
3. Do not forget to follow up afterward and send a polite follow-up enquiry after 3-4 days

Surat Lamaran Kerja Internal Auditor II

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Personnel Manager
PT. ....

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this letter regarding to the information from website there is a vacant position for Internal Auditor.

I am years of age and have graduated from Universitas ......... since 20xx. I have been worked at PT. ....... since Month 20xx until month 20xx as a Internal Auditor.

Moreover, I enclosed my curriculum vitae for your further consideration. I will be pleased to perform my best and hope my qualification will meet your requirement. Please notify me at anytime for any information concerning my application.

I thank you in advance for your kind attention and consideration. I am looking forward for your prompt response in the near future.

Best Regards,


Surat lamaran Kerja Pipe Engineer

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Attn: HRD Manager
PT. Shell Indonesia

Dear Sir/Madam,

In response to your advertisement in the website for a Pipe Engineer interested to apply for the post you offered.

I am ... years old and obtained my Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from ................ University, Jakarta.

I have strong motivation to work a private company prepared to do any kind of work suitable with my education background and qualification and I have positive attitude personality.

For your consideration, I enclose my curriculum vitae, the photocopies of some important documents, and recent photograph of mine.

I Therefore hope that you will consider my application and select me for an interview.

Yours faithfully,


Surat Lamaran Kerja XXVI

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Februari 2012

Bpk ...
PT. ..
Jl. ...
Jakarta 10000

Dengan hormat,

(nama yg referensi), seorang (jabatan) di perusahaan Anda, menginformasikan kepada saya tentang rencana pengembangan departemen ... di PT. ... Sehubungan dengan hal itu, perkenankan saya mengirim resume saya, dengan harapan bahwa latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman saya sesuai dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang menjadi pertimbangan bapak untuk dapat ikut serta mengembangkan departemen ... di perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat ini.

Saya lulus dari Program Diploma III ... Universitas .... Jakarta pada tahun ... Saat ini saya bekerja di PT. ..., sebagai staff ..., dengan fokus utama pekerjaan di bidang ....

Saya sangat mengharapkan suatu kesempatan wawancara, untuk dapat menjelaskan lebih mendalam mengenai diri saya. Seperti yang tersirat di resume, saya mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman potensi dan antusiasme untuk meraih sukses bersama PT. ... Saya dapat dihubungi di 021-...

Demikian saya sampaikan. Terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak.

Hormat saya,

(nama anda)

Surat Lamaran Kerja XVII


Head of Human Resources Dept.
PT. ...
Jl. ...
Jakarta (kodepos)

Dengan hormat,

Melalui surat ini saya mengajukan diri untuk bekerja di perusahaan Bapak, karena saya berkeyakinan bahwa pengalaman saya di bidang ... akan mendapat perhatian dari Bapak.

Seperti yang termuat dalam curriculum vitae terlampir, saat ini saya telah menjabat sebagai ... di PT. ... selama ... tahun.

Besar harapan saya agar Bapak sudi memberikan kesempatan wawancara agar saya dapat menjelaskan kemampuan dan potensi diri saya secara lebih mendalam. Karena saat ini masih berstatus sebagai karyawan di suatu perusahaan, saya akan sangat berterima kasih jika hal ini dijaga kerahasiaannya.

Terimakasih atas perhatian Bapak.

Hormat saya,

(nama anda)

Surat Lamaran Kerja General Affair Officer

Attention To :
HRD Manager

Dear Sir,

Regarding to your advertisement in ....... I am interested in joining and Developing with your company and I would appreciate it if you could consider me as an applicant to fill the vacant position as General Affair Officer (GA). I have enclosed my curriculum vitae and supporting documents as a first step in exploring the possibilities of employment with this company.

My name is ..........., .... years old, male, married, energetic and healthy. I am a Bachelor of ...... from ....... University. I have strong, dynamic personality and analytical ability, honest, work hard and I am accustomed to working together in a team-work and cooperation with other people.

Furthermore, I can learn many things fast and quite adaptive with new situation, finally for that reason, I am sure that I can fill the qualification that you need.

I look forward hearing from you. Thank you for your Consideration.

Thank You & Best Regard,

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