Surat Lamaran Kerja Planning Analytics Officer

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Attn: HRD Manager

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have the necessary qualifications and experiences needed for fulfill Planning Analytics Officer (PAO) position in your company

I am .... years old and I am finished my education at ...... University, Majoring in Accounting. I am familiar with operating Windows Microsoft Office and also familiar with English both of speak and written.

I am still working at PT. ........ Purposing on applying to your company is to widen up my experiences and at the same time to improve the potential of mine.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and I would be glad to give you more details about myself, soon.

Warm Regards,


Surat Pengunduran Diri Dalam Bahasa Inggris III

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Jakarta, (date)
Mr. ........
(company name)
(complete address)

Re : Resignation Letter

Dear Mr./ Mrs.......,

I have been thinking a great deal recently about balancing my career objectives with my family like and after much deliberation I have decided to resign for the next month .

I will take on leave since... for... month...and effective ... I'll be terminating my employment at PT....

I have truly enjoyed my experience in consulting and pre sales activities at the company, along with the friends I have made.

Please be assured that I will extend every effort to make departure as smooth a transition as possible. I wish PT. ... much success in the future.

Sincerely yours,

(your name)

Surat Lamaran Kerja Telecommunication Engineer

HR Department
PT XL Axiata Tbk

Dear Sir/ Madam

With all the respect that I have, I would like to introduce my self, my name is .............., I was graduated from ......................

Based on .................. that I read. Your company's is seeking a talented and potential person to be placed as Telecommunication Engineer (TE), with this good opportunities. I would like to present my self to your company to be one of your potential person who can be place on this particular position.

Here by, with this particular moment I would like to present my personal CV, important latter to you with a reason to know better of me.

Therefore, with all do the respect. I would like to thank you for all the opportunity that you give to me, and I am waiting for the next move from you.

Best Regard,


Surat Lamaran Kerja Maintenance

Kepada Yth :
Bapak / Ibu Pimpinan
PT. ..............
Jln. ...........

Di -

Hal : Lamaran Kerja

Dengan Hormat,

Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : ..............
Tempat Tgl/Lahir : ................
Alamat : JL. ..........................
Jenis Kelamin : ..........
Status : ..............
Pendidikan Terakhir : ....................
Kewarga Negaraan : ..........
Agama : Islam
Telp/HP : 0813 xxxxxxx

Berdasarkan Informasi yang saya peroleh dari Harian Analisa tanggal ... bulan,20xx bahwa Perusahaan yang Bapak / Ibu pimpin membutuhkan karyawan, Saya pria berusia ... Tahun, Berkepribadian menarik, Mempunyai motivasi, dedikasi dan loyalitas yang tinggi serta jujur dan Dinamis dalam berkerja.

Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan pekerjaan di Perusahaan yang Bapak / Ibu Pimpin sebagai tenaga Maintenance, Sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak / Ibu berikut saya lampirkan :

Foto Copy Ijazah : 1 lembar
Foto Copy Transkip Nilai : 1 lembar
Foto Copy KTP : 1 lembar
Pas Foto 3 x 4 : 2 lembar
Curriculum Vitae : 1 lembar

Besar harapan saya, bahwa kualifikasi yang saya miliki dapat memenuhi kriteria seperti yang diharapkan, saya sangat menantikan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan langsung, bahwa kemampuan yang saya miliki akan berguna bagi kemajuan perusahaan.

Demikianlah surat lamaran kerja ini saya perbuat dengan sebenarnya, atas perhatian dan kesempatan yang diberikan, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,


Surat Lamaran Kerja Akuntansi II

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Jl. ....
Jakarta ... (kodepos)

Februari 2012

Manager Personalia
PT. ...
Jl. ...
Jakarta ...

Dengan hormat,

....., seorang asisten editor di perusahaan Anda, menginformasikan kepada saya tentang rencana pengembangan departemen akuntansi di PT. ... Sehubungan dengan hal itu, perkenankan saya mengirim resume saya, dengan harapan bahwa latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman saya sesuai dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang menjadi pertimbangan bapak untuk dapat ikut serta mengembangkan departemen akuntansi di perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat ini.

Saya lulus dari Program Diploma III Akuntansi Universitas ..... Jakarta pada tahun 20... Saat ini saya bekerja di PT. ..., sebagai staff akuntasi, dengan fokus utama pekerjaan di bidang finance dan perpajakan. Saya telah menyelesaikan program perkuliahan malam (ekstension) di universitas yang sama untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi, dan akan diwisuda pada bulan awal bulan .... 2012.

Saya sangat mengharapkan suatu kesempatan wawancara, untuk dapat menjelaskan lebih mendalam mengenai diri saya. Seperti yang tersirat di resume, saya mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman potensi dan antusiasme untuk meraih sukses bersama PT. ..... Saya dapat dihubungi di ...(no telp anda).

Demikian saya sampaikan. Terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak.

Hormat saya,


Surat Lamaran Kerja Mechanical Supervisor

Attn: Personnel Manager
Pt. ........

Dear Sir/Madam,

Based on the information of your company from several references and the correlation ship between your company works scope with my educational background, here with this letter I would like to offer my self to strengthen your project, as the Mechanical Supervisor.

I graduated from .... University, Jakarta– Indonesia majoring in Mechanical Engineer of Engineering Faculty with GPA 2.xx as specialization in xxxx.

I commenced my professional carrier as Mechanical Engineer at PT. ........... until now. I am in charged on ......

My main responsibility is supporting Project Manager to monitor the respective project on day to-day activities especially for Mechanical work progress.

The enclosed resume and qualifications will provide you with more details of my background. I would be very happy to have the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my background will be beneficial to your company. Please feel free to contact me at anytime

Best Regards,


Surat Lamaran Kerja Assistant Sales Manager

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

HRD Manager
PT. Astra Honda Motor

Dear Sir / Madam,

From the information that I have, that there is a vacant position as Assistant Sales Manager in your company. I am very interested to apply my self to be part of your team in the company.

My name is ............, I am .... years of age. My motivation mainly is to achieve the company's goals while developing my carrier as well.

With my combination of educational background, hard working, quick learner, strong personality, having a good communication and interpersonal skills. I believe I can deal with the position.

I would very much appreciate, if you give me a chance to be interviewed at anytime convenient to you. Your deep attention for this matter will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,


Surat Lamaran Kerja Professional Receptionist

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

(your name)
Jl. ............ No. ...
Jakarta (post code)
Phone: +6221–xxxxxx
Mobile: +62816-xxxxxx

Jakarta, November 20xx

Human Resources Department
PT. ......

Dear Sir / Madam,

It is to my keen interest that I understand there is a vacancy as Professional Receptionist post in your company. I am a .... years old (female/male) and with my working experienced, I would like to take up the challenge and responsibilities of this position.

I am a goal oriented person, capable of working under pressure and with minimum supervision. I am also an ambitious, responsible, open minded, punctual, and discipline person. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualification with you.

I enclosed my Curriculum Vitae together with this letter. I would be very glad if you could give me the opportunity to join your team. I would like to get an interview opportunity at your convenience time. I very much appreciate your time and consideration and I am looking forward for your reply.

Yours Sincerely,


Surat Lamaran Kerja XXII

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Jakarta, (tgl/bln/thn)

Kepada Yth,

Kepala Bagian Personalia
PT. ...
Jl. ...

Dengan hormat,

Menanggapi iklan Anda di harian Kompas terbitan tanggal (tgl/bln/thn) untuk posisi .., saya ingin menawarkan diri saya untuk posisi tersebut.

Saya berusia ... tahun dan pernah bekerja sebagai staf ... selama .. tahun. Setelah tamat dari Akademi ..., saya mengikuti pelatihan kerja selama ... bulan. Sekarang saya merasa memiliki keahlian yang diperlukan untuk mengisi lowongan yang Anda tawarkan.

Untuk informasi selanjutnya, dengan ini saya lampirkan daftar riwayat hidup, surat keterangan dari akademi, dan selembar foto terbaru saya.

Saya harap Bapak akan mempertimbangkan lamaran ini, dan memberi saya suatu kesempatan untuk wawancara.

Hormat saya,

(nama anda)

Surat Lamaran Kerja Secretary VIII

To: Human Resources Division
PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk.
Jln. Gatot Subroto No.177A - Kav.64
Jakarta 12870

Dear Sir/Madam,

I encourage my self to write this application and I wish to apply for Secretary. My name is .............., I am ..... years old. The last worked at PT. ................... as ....................

As individual, I consider myself as hardworking, energetic, easy learning, dynamic, creative, enthusiastic, adaptable and communicative. Moreover, I have strong will and motivation to learn. And I like every new challenger and get a lot of experience.

Besides, I can also work either independently or part of a team. With my experiences and educational background, I feel capable of handling any tasks that your company may assign to me.Enclosed please find my resume. I look forward to your favorable reply.

Thanks you very much for your great attention. I will always ready if you call me to interview.

Sincerely Yours,


CV Dalam Bahasa Inggris V

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012


ID No. : xx.xxxxx.xxxx.xxxx
Name : .......
Place, Date of Birth : ....., .........
Address : Jl. ......

Mobile: 08588-xxxx-xxxx
Email :

1. SDN ........., Jakarta – Certified (19xx)
2. SMPN ........., Jakarta – Certified (19xx)
3. SMUN .........., Jakarta – Certified (19xx)
4. Universitas xxxxxxx, Jakarta (Teknik Sipil) – Certified (20xx)
5. ........

1. ...........
2. ...........
3. ...........
4. ...........

1. PT. ............. Jakarta – Indonesia (19x-19xx)
Last Position : ..........
Reason for leaving : .......
2. PT. ............., Jakarta – Indonesia (20xx-20xx)
Last Position : ......
Reason for leaving : ...........
3. PT. ............., Jakarta – Indonesia (20xx-20xx)
Last Position : Site Manager
Reason for leaving : .........

Hobby : Reading articles, Writing, Travelling, Sport (chess), etc.
Interest : Advanced Science & Technology

Activities : Writing ( Computer ), Create Blog or Web Site

Truly, Mei 20xx.


How to Create an Interesting CV


1. Include all qualifications, experience, and studies. Make it interesting, show some actual achievements.

2. Drop names of employers, if you can. It's a character reference, and it assures prospective employers that they can check your references.

3. Include anything unique. Any information that shows value and real ability is priceless, and it's what gets you your job interviews.

4. Put real effort into designing your text, presentation, and the layout of your CV. Get help if you need it, but make sure all the content is working for you.

5. Make sure that you include a statement that you have references. It is essential, and looks bad if you don't because it's a basic part.


1. Make any false or possibly misleading claims on your CV. It's a great way to definitely lose a job (This used to be considered 'clever,' for about five seconds, until the world figured it out. Any information you provide which can be shown to be incorrect will be used against you).

2. Include personal information that could be used for identity theft. Keep your personal security extremely tight. Stick to a single point of contact, preferably through the job site itself.

3. Include names or contacts of references without their permission. It's not only bad etiquette; it's potentially risky for them.

4. Use filler, or drab, uninteresting material. Stick to bare bones, if necessary, but avoid things like 'shop assistant' or 'administration duties' and other uninformative interest killers. Describe skills used rather than job titles, because that's what the employer needs to see.

5. Use ancient information. Anything older than 5 years can be relegated to the archives, for use only when relevant to a job.

There's a good way of doing quality control on your CV. Just ask yourself:

- Is this something an employer really needs to see?'
- Does this really look like it will get me a job, or is it just filler?'
- Is this relevant to the jobs I want?'

If it isn't good enough, or isn't obviously useful, get rid of it. You need the space on your CV for the important stuff, and any excess material is really wasting that space.

Online CVs are used by a lot of people to get work, in many different professions. Give yourself a real chance with your own. Remember, the only information an employer has to work with is what you present to them.

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